
Aug 29, 2011

Can you smell the love?

I'm going to tell you a secret.

I don't shower every day.


Okay, catch your breath and I'll wait while you consider whether you want to un-follow me now...

Still there? :)

Here's the thing: I have really sensitive skin.  Were I to get into the water and lather it up every day, I'd be itching from here to the moon.  It's not even what kind of soap I use either, it's just getting wet too much.  It dries me out.  Maybe it has something to do with growing up in Death Valley.  As it is, Daddy already thinks I have an unhealthy addiction to lotion.

And we shouldn't even get started on my hair.  It's long and thick, and when you wash it more often than twice a week, it dries out and gets all icky.  But you know what?  Every stylist I've been to has told me I've got some of the healthiest hair she's ever seen.

So I guess I've just found what works for me.  The shower sees me once every 3 days or so (unless, of course, I do something sweaty), Daddy doesn't find long hairs stuck to his shower walls every single day; everyone's happy.

That being said, I do try to wash my face nightly, and I'm a clean freak about certain... other things.  I keep those cottonelle wipes in the bathroom (those things rock!), and my razor on the sink for quick fixes.  But luckily, I don't sweat a whole lot and rarely do anything too dirty (well... that's debatable, I suppose... hehe), so this all works out.

Now what made me post this?  Well, Kitty had this post that mentions how she learned that her man likes her natural smell.  And that made me start thinking about pheremones.

In my lifetime, I've had quite a few guys compliment me on my smell--my natural smell, not wearing any perfume.  Finally, one boyfriend told me that he was very attracted to my smell and that I produce a high amount of pheromones.  (Then he had to explain to me what the heck pheromones were! lol)  Perhaps it helps that I don't constantly wash off my body's natural oils and such?

Kitty's blog asks, but I am curious also: what do my readers think?  Have you ever met a man or woman that attracted you in a deep down way that may have been pheromones calling out to you?  Have you ever fallen in love with someone's scent?